Compliance Control
Compliance control system is implemented and used in Systematica Group.
Compliance control system identifies and prevents possible conflicts of interest, corrupt practices, unethical behaviour of the Group’s employees and partners, as well as other risks.
Systematica Group has adopted a number of special local regulations, including the Anti-Corruption Policy, the Code of Ethics and Corporate Conduct, the Regulation on Gifts and Entertainment Expenses, and etc.
The hotline effectively implements regulations mentioned above. The Group's employees and partners can use it to inform the Compliance Controller in case of violations of current anti-corruption laws and local regulations adopted by the Group.
Please use an e-mail to send an inquiry:
Compliance Controller reviews and considers each inquiry.
Compliance with legal and ethical standards is the fundamental part of the business activities of Systematica Group JSC.
For more details on the compliance control system adopted in Systematica Group JSC, refer to the relevant document available on the Company's website at